JTK aspires to be a world class provider of technical education and training within the Maritime and general engineering Industries.

JTK ensures skills development for the young, old, disadvantaged and the disabled in a manner that prepares them for the global labour market.


  • The changing of mindsets in terms of perception of a career in engineering and the promotion of lifelong learning and thus career growth.
  • The integration of designated groups into the mainstream of further education and training.
  • The creation of pools of qualified artisans for the scarce skills market.
  • Increasing the chances for employability amongst young people especially black unemployed men and women.

    JTK intends making bursaries available to deserving learners, especially those from previously disadvantaged communities.

    The JTK training academy has been constituted as a (76%) historically disadvantaged owned operation.


    To become an efficient service provider of marine engineering services, by maximising our capability and capacity, providing hight quality products and timely services, thereby satisfying our customers' needs cost-effectively.

    MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT     ISO 9001:2008 Certificate

    The ultimate responsibility for quality at JTK MARINE ENGINEERING rests with the managing member.

    In this respect, I hereby confirm my commitment to the achievement and maintenance of quality together withthe effective operation of the quality management system.

    In view of the important role played in the objectives, operations and services of JTK MARINE ENGINEERING, I hereby appointed a management respresentative for quality (MRQ) from our organisations management with the responsiblity and authroity for developing and maintaining the quality system.

    All personnel of JTK MARINE ENGINEERING are commited to achieving quality in their own spheres of activities. Ojbectives are defined and monitored to measure that continuous improvement is effective and in the planned timeframe.

    I hereby also confirm my support for the policies and procedures set out in the documentation of hte quality management system, and urge all employees to conform to their contents.

    It is the general policy of JTK MARINE ENGINEERING that hte quality management system will be in conformance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. In this respect accredited representatives of an international cretification body will be given access during normal working hours to the areas of work relevant to the requirements, provided that prior authorisation has been given by me or my representative.

    ENVIRONMENT JTK MARINE ENGINEERING is committed to the protection of the environment and through all its operations; it strives to comply with the following:

  • Maintaining and improving the working environment
  • Prevention of pollution
  • Economic usage of energy and natural resources
  • Purchasing of products and services from environmentally friendly suppliers and subcontractors.

    JTK MARINE ENGINEERING complies with government regulations and guidelines regarding the above.

    The company’s management will ensure the following:
  • The quality policy is approproate for the company and its customers
  • It is the commited to coplying with quality requirements and for continuous improvements
  • It provides the framwork for establishing and reviewing quality requirements
  • The policy is reviewed for continueing suitability
  • The policies are communicated, implemented and understood within the company

    The quality system is planned and documented in a quality manual containing four parts:
    1. Management Responsilility
    2. Resource Management
    3. Product realisation
    4. Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

    Each part consists of three tiers as follows:
    1. Policy documents
    2. Quality procedures
    3. Work instructions, work standatds and data capturing forms

    The three tiers are then cross-referenced for ease of application.
    The quality system is audited on a regular basis and reviewed by senior management to ensure its continued suitability and effectiveness.